FHR Manual For All


Human kind is born as a kind human.
Human kind can choose to preserve our specious, by honouring the fundamental innate goodness and the natural behaviour talents every child is born with.
By being / getting aware of the sustainability of the innate goodness and behaviour ‘tools’ every child is born with.
Because all new borns are fully equipped to be able to live a sustainable live with themselves, others and nature. 

All new borns love themselves the way they are born. 
This selflove connects them mindfully with themselves, others and nature. 
They live in the present and experience a structural happiness feeling.

Only if we choose to treat and guide our new borns mindfully, they can hold on to their natural human mindfulness.

This fundamental human innate goodness/ mindfulness is the basic narrative of all humans and recognised and acknowledged by all humans. 

It will prevent and eliminate power abuse.
Power abuse is unnatural behaviour for man kind. 
Power abuse is forced upon humans, it hurts and traumatises the abuser and the victims and destroys nature.
Power abuse always leads to inequality.
Power abuse is always executed by humans who have lost their mindful connection with their intuition/ their natural behaviour.

If mankind is living a way of life of sustainability, this narrative becomes our natural mindfulness behaviour.
Our natural behaviour will be an enlightening and inspiring example for all humans.

To raise more awareness, the -monument for the child- is designed by the author, the first of its kind world wide. 
The realisation depends on donations.

All children are born with a fundamental  goodness, a innate talent to be mindful, we call this the intuition.
They are happy that they are born, the way they are born, free from guild and shame feelings.
They love themselves for who they are and share their mindful selflove unconditionally with others and nature.
They live in the present, free from psychological fear.
All new borns experience a structural happiness feeling which is indelible archived in their feeling memory.

To be able to maintain their structural happiness feeling, all new borns use their intuition and all their energies, their feeling and thinkingpower, in connection with each other mindfully. 
Mindfully means guided by its intuition.
All new borns profit psychologically and physically from their natural cooperative use of its intuition and its powers. 
This talent is securing its structural happiness feeling.

Its intuition gives the child a kind of awareness signal not to endanger this mindful cooperation of its intuition and its powers.
Its intuition emerges automatically if this mindful cooperation is disturbed.
This disturbance causes an awareness signal urging the child to listen and follow its intuition, thus being totally honest for itself.
These disturbances are based on personal feelings and on real time life time events.
The real time life events are the start of the build up of conscience based on its social emotional development.

This is a kind of intuition training in order to use its talents and its powers to analyse these events. 
This way the child will teach itself the advantages and disadvantages of these kind of events.
These events will automatically be archived in its feeling memory, marked as useful and harmless or as harmful. 
The archived events are the beginning of the creation of the child conscience.

Every new born is perfectly equipped to be and stay happy and pursuit happiness in a sustainable way using its tool mindfully. 

In order to be able to expres itself, it has a range of non verbal communication tools.
All new borns have this non verbal communication talent, which is based on its feeling power.
All new borns are using this great talent of its feeling power automatically.

The new born totally depends on the non verbal communication during the first periode of its life. 
This is the only way it is able to express itself and to receive and recognise the non verbal communication of others. 

This way of communication is made possible by:
-physical contact: hugging and touching
-a telepathic feeling connection: sending and receiving feelings.
-feeling circumstances without seeing them with the eyes.
-body language of itself and others by observation
-noises of itself and others by hearing
-the nasal orgaan by smelling
-taste by tasting

Our organs are directly connected with the system where our emotions are centred, analysed and archived in our feeling memory.

Mindful guidance and mindful treatment, taking care of the needs of the child, will maintain and increase the structural happiness feelings of a new born. 

Nourishing and protecting the child, take care of adequate shelter and expose the child to nature and the sun, are the obvious conditions.

The child feelings will be influenced by:

-Body contact and massage.
That’s an elemental need of a child, for sending and receiving feelings by touching.

-Facial expression, body language and the intonation of a voice. 

-The psychological state of being of others.

-Sounds and odeurs.

Sharing mindfulness is creating a very strong indelible bond between mindful humans.

When the new born is approached unmindful, it will feel this instantly.
It receives a signal of its intuition, causing insecurity. 
Its intuition tries to analyse that unmindfulness and feels unmindful behaviour as an undermining of its happiness feeling, it will react instantly. 
The child will try, by sharing its mindfulness, to transfer the unmindful approach of others into a mindful approach.
If its attempt fails it will get anxious and express that anxiety feeling directly.

These talents, all children are born with, makes that every new born is perfectly equipped to live a happy and sustainable life with itself, others and nature.

All new borns already have the innate talent of goodness, it is called our intuition.

The innate way of using all our energies, our thinking power and our feeling power in connection with each other mindfully, that is our natural behaviour patron every child is born with.

To experience a structural happiness feeling depends on our intuition/ conscience and the way of using powers in connection with each other mindfully. The natural behaviour patron is mindfully guided by the intuition, causing and maintaining the structural happiness feeling of the new born.

This STRUCTURAL HAPPINESS FEELING is indelible archived in every new borns feeling memory. 

The new borns intuition guides the use of its feeling and thinkingpower, making sure its powers will only be used for its wellbeing.
Its intuition guards this mindful cooperation of its powers during the real life time experiences of the child. 
The intuition and this mindful cooperation is the origin of our conscience, which is based on being totally honest towards ourself.
Every new born is totally honest towards itself, thus towards others and nature, in order to maintain structurally happy.

The new borns innate honesty, its intuition, is the most important natural talent, it is part of its innate powers. 
All new borns have a innate knowledge signalising them that honesty is absolutely necessary to be able to hold on to its structural happiness feeling.
There is not one new born who wants to willingly give up these innate talents, because they realise aantoont as they are, this will make them unhappy.

The new born can only loose these talents when severe violence is used towards the child. This violence can Disable the child to maintain its talents using them mindfully. 
Violence is the only way a child can become dishonest towards itself, others and nature. 

The new borns intuition and the mindful cooperation between the feeling power and the thinkingpower, is serving its wellbeing in an totally honest way. 
Unmindful use of its natural talents equals power abuse.

Ignoring these innate talents, ignoring its intuition signal caused by abusing its powers, it will automatically receive a feeling of a disturbance.
This signal is causing a feeling of abusing its powers, a feeling of being dishonest.
Because unmindful use of powers equals power abuse.

All humans receive an awareness signal of their intuition if honesty is ignored. 
This is a universal feeling all humans feel, recognise and acknowledge in the same way.

This way the intuition gets real life time feeling experiences, training and results.

This disturbance is urging the child to do its utmost to find a way to deal with this disturbance and return to its natural behaviour. 

These disturbances will first be expressed and than analysed by the child. 
The reaction of other humans are of influence of its analysis. 
Than this life time experience will be archived in the feeling memory as a positive or a negative life time experience feeling. Building up this feeling memory based on our intuition is creating our conscience.

This combination of the activity of our intuition in cooperation with our feeling and thinkingpower concerning real life feeling experiences, builds up feeling memories, creating and shaping our conscience.

Our conscience based on our intuition, our honesty towards ourselves gets automatically activated if honesty is violated towards ourselves and towards others.

This is a universal reaction all humans feel the same way. 
Nobody is able to eliminate this signal totally, it can only be ignored by abusing your own power.

Our conscience is the only non verbal language, recognised and acknowledged by all humans in the same way.

Looking for the truth only makes sense if honesty is honoured. 
If the truth lacks honesty, those who have power and status seems to have the ‘ best’ truth.

If power abuse occurs, our conscience will react and cause a feeling of wrong doing, of not being honest towards yourself. 
That awareness feeling, this signal of our conscience emerges automatically and can never be ignored / pushed away totally.
This awareness signal is based on being totally honest towards your self. 

Everyone is aware that this signal of our conscience is the only universal (feeling) language, recognised and acknowledged by ALL HUMANS.

Our intuition /  our conscience is part of our innate goodness, our fundamental mindfulness, it is guarding and guiding our natural behaviour mindfully. 
Our conscience follows a natural very strong behaviour patron.
It emerges automatically and because it is such a strong behaviour patron, it can NEVER be eliminated totally.
It emerges when one of our powers overrule the other, overrule the mindful cooperation between them. 
This is felt as abusing power, this power abuse is causing automatically and instantly a feeling of being dishonest.

Because of the importance of the structural happiness feeling all new born experience, the alarm bells go off when their mindful behaviour is disturbed.

This very strong and powerful conscience feeling can only be ignored by abusing our own power. 

This awareness signal is making clear that our powers are only to be used to improve the wellbeing, every other use equals power abuse. 
This signal is considered a possible threat to the structural happiness feeling, it feels like an act of being dishonest.
The stress this Power abuse causes is due to the automatic production of cortisol hormones, in order to produce extra energy. 
This energy boost is creating a higher state of mind, in order to get more aware of the cause of the stress. 
This higher state of mind will concentrate all attention on the cause of the disturbance. 
It will start the proces of analysing this event, which result will be archived in the feeling memory.
This real life time feeling experiences are training the Childs talent to analyse these events and than return to its natural behaviour on his own.

This is a very useful and effective tool to support humans to achieve the way how to behave and eliminate stress, when it occurs. 
This is a very important training , in order to be able to learn and to heal ourself and refind / hold on to our structural happiness feeling.
This mindful self-learning and healing talent is the most important part of the social and emotional development of humans.
This social emotional development tool trains the -stress elimination proces- and strengthens this tool in a mindful way.
A mindful treatment and guidance will support the child positively in this learning process.

When the conscience signal of power abuse is not utilised to get aware, not used to improve / restore the feeling of wellbeing, in order to return to our natural behaviour, the on going stress wil undermine the structural happiness feeling. 
Ignoring the conscience signal, can only be done by abusing power in order to be able to push this feeling away, however nobody can eliminate this conscience signal totally.
This pushing away is a dishonest act towards yourself and equals power abuse.

If other humans interfere in this self learning and self healing proces in an unmindful way, the Childs social emotional development can be temporarily blocked, in the worst case it can become structurally blocked.
This unmindful interference occurs when the child is judged and punished for its playful adventurous activities, instead of mindfully treated and guided.
Being punished during its activities concerning its social and emotional development, will influence this self learning proces negatively.

The child can get afraid for these negative consequences of its social emotional development proces.
When the child develops fear for its playful adventurous activities, its mindful way of its social emotional development is disturbed. That disturbance can become structurally.

If this power abuse awareness signal is ignored by neglecting this conscience signal, this will automatically lead to a inconvenient unhappy feeling.
By pushing this signal away, ignore it, you will automatically attract new identical events. 
This identical event will activate the conscience signal again, in order to raise awareness of the power abuse. 
This attracting proces will be repeating itself until the power abuse stops, until the life lesson is learned, making it able to return to our natural behaviour.
It will stop at the moment the natural mindful use of our conscience and our feeling and thinkingpower is restored. 
The mindful use of all our powers is the only way to maintain/ refind the structural happiness feeling.

The only way to structurally abuse power is by a traumatic experience.
Because nobody will willingly give up the mindful use of talents needed to hold on to the structural happiness feeling.
Meaning only severe psychological and / or physical violence can cause severe level of anxiety, needed to create a trauma.
This severe anxiety is creating a overwhelming stress feeling, disabling most humans, especially children in their vulnerable age, to fight the stress directly. The overwhelming anxiety can block the analysing ability, making it impossible to return to his mindful behaviour on his own.

When the impact is too severe and the -conscience training tool- weakened, it can block the use of our innate talent of our goodness and mindful use of our powers for a longer period of time or even structurally.
The fact this traumatic experience blocks the natural healing proces, the stress level increases and the production of the hormone cortisol cause a -survival state- of being.
This is a very high trance level, consuming a lot of energy and causing that all powers are only used to be able to survive, what ever it takes. This structural high stress level weakens also our natural immune system structurally.

This state of being can create:
-a super activated / increased physical ability ( physical force) 
-a super psychological ability, including not only observe the threatening surrounding, but also feel it. Like feeling a human or animal is approaching you from behind, whilst having no visual contact.  

(This state of being makes it possible to resist ( not eliminate) the impact of psychological and physical pain. 
It can  enable the victim to reject it and eventually return to his natural behaviour.)

-a super inactivation of the psychological ability which can lead to a total submission.
An example of total submission, is the Stockholm syndrome.
-a super inactivation which can lead to feel frozen, a feeling you are unable to move.
-a seizure which could ultimately lead to death.

A traumatic experience can cause a structural disturbance / abuse of a victims own powers, however there are several ways to make it able to return to our natural behaviour.

The survivors of a traumatic experience suffer from a traumatic -behaviour patron- 
That patron can be transferred into mindful behaviour, but that takes a lot of courage, time and energy.
In order to undo this traumatic behaviour patron, it has to be made possible to refind the use of our innate goodness and the mindful way of using all powers mindfully.

-Those who resisted the psychological impact are psychologically damaged, but are able to find a mindful way of dealing with their trauma. 
Meaning the traumatic experience is not dominating the innate goodness and mindful use of our powers.
Thats why the traumatic -behaviour patron- is not established as a structural behaviour patron, or have been disabled.

-Those who were not able to resist the impact of the traumatic experience are structurally blocked from their innate goodness talent and their natural mindful use of their powers.
Due to the traumatic experience and the disability to refind the original mindful behaviour on his own, (or received help giving by mindful guidance and /  or meditation), a -traumatic behaviour patron- has been established.
This behaviour patron is very strong and is now structurally blocking the mindful use of our innate goodness and the mindful use of all powers in connection with each other.
This state of mind is causing a structural stressing feeling of unhappiness and this also weakens the immune system.
On top of that traumatised humans suffer from the triggers they encounter, when they are experiencing a same or similar event as the one who caused the trauma. 
These triggers starts the -traumatic behaviour patron- automatically, it causes a psychological reliving of the traumatic experience event and will end the same way as the original traumatic event. 
Reliving a traumatic experience is reliving the impact of this very trauma. 
This is very stressful and therefore weakens the immune system even more.
It is very hard for the victim to interfere in this - traumatic behaviour patron- proces, in order to stop or alter this behaviour patron on their own.
This traumatic experience is than dictating the life style of the suffering victim.

Only individual awareness can open the blocked way to our original behaviour: being mindful for ourselves and share that unconditionally with others and nature again. 
A psychological re programming treatment can alter the trauma patron and be used as a possible in between step in order to refind the structural happiness feeling, by returning to the natural behaviour of man kind. Reprogramming humans is only a temporarily tool, because the real solution is refunding the way back to our natural behaviour.
The only way to refind the structural happiness feeling is by embracing all your powers, your feeling power and your thinking power, with love again, and restore the mindful cooperation with the intuition/ the conscience.

Meditation and Mindful guidance can be a great help to deal with a traumatic experience. 
Hypnosis, a roll play and writing down all severe experiences on a piece of paper can be helpful.
Another way to reach individual awareness is severe psychological and or physical pain.
A shock effect can also be created deliberately, in order to raise awareness, the so called a catharsis effect.

This is the way you are able to undo the  traumatic experience, the way you are no longer enabling the traumatic experience to take the lead over your life.
Returning to your mindful behaviour can be made possible by meditation, just trying to mediate is already sufficient. 

Trauma disabled the natural mindful use of our powers and talents structurally.
The consequences are a structural ‘unwillingly’ abuse of power.
The conscience still provides awareness signals, but the structural abuse of power is blocking the way of utilising this signal in order to be able to act mindful again. 
Randomly this awareness signal can be followed if it seem to suit the circumstances. Meaning if this signal suits the goals of the dominating thinking power it can be utilised to reach these goals.
This occurred mindfulness can be used and switched off on command of the thinkingpower.
If our powers are no longer mindfully guided by our intuition our conscience, power abuse becomes the narrative.

As a result of a traumatic experience we are forced to use our powers to dominate and ignoring our conscience signals.
We have become disconnected.
Instead of being connected with our natural behaviour reaction of our conscience signals and mindful cooperation of our powers, power abuse becomes a behaviour patron.
This power abuse can also cause a happy feeling, by being successful in dominating others. By thinking you are better and more ( status) compared to the victim who gets judged by you as inferior.
This short happiness feeling is called a kick feeling. Because of the lack of the mindful cooperation between your powers, this feeling can not be compared with our structural happiness feeling.
The kick feeling is the result of the production of body own drugs automatically produced during the power abuse.
Structural power abuse leads to become addicted to power, to become addicted to these kick feelings.

Only power abuse can activate our conscience. 
If this awareness signal is not used to return to our mindful behaviour, this strong awareness signal can only be ignored by abusing your own power.
The more this conscience signal is suppressed, the more this suppression life style itself becomes a behaviour patron.
This -suppressing behaviour- patron creation, makes it easier to suppress this awareness signal, because it becomes a patron. 
This behaviour of suppression causes a structural feeling of unhappiness. The power abuser can use this signal to stop the abuse, or to reach more kick feelings. A structural stress feeling is weakening the immune system severely.
Despite this ‘training’ in suppressing the awareness signal, this signal you can never erase totally. 
The victim gets ‘used’ to his power abuse and that’s why power abusers start to identify themselves with other power abusers. 
They therefore start to tolerate power abuse towards others and nature, instead of stopping it. 
They turn a blind eye because they have become disconnected from their natural behaviour.

If we have become disconnected, human kind is no longer able to deal with their body own drugs production mindfully anymore.
Women and men both produce the hormones / drugs testosterone and oestrogen. 
Men more of the first and women more of the second mentioned body own drug.
Our education and school ideologies force our children to abuse their thinkingpower to dominate isolate discriminate and demonise their feeling power with.
This leads to the narrative of tolerating even admiring (thinking) power abuse.

Power abuse of our thinkingpower is fuelled by the testosterone hormone. 
The more this thinkingpower is abused, the more this hormone production increases, the more this power abuse increases. 
Especially boys get the confirmation of the narrative of the encouraging to abuse their thinkingpower. 
Due to their age, they experience a temporarily natural increased production of their testosterone in their teenage years and that will only increase power abuse further.
A structural power abuse causes a structural feeling of being unhappy.

Power abuse of our feeling power fuels the production of the oestrogen hormone in the same manner. 
This indicates that the natural level of this oestrogen hormone also gets influenced by feelingpower abuse. 
Power abuse of our feeling power causes an overload of the production of oestrogens.
A structural power abuse is increasing the production of oestrogens structurally, causing a feeling of being structurally unhappy.

If our powers are structurally abused, this will cause a structural struggle caused by the automatically activated body own drugs production, lacking the natural use of our powers. 
If the mindful cooperation between our feeling power and our thinkingpower is structurally disturbed these hormones go their own way, leading to unmindful use of these powers and thus body own drugs.

The narrative, based on our education and school ideologies, is the abuse of our thinking power. 
This narrative is causing trauma, resulting in the fact that humans get structurally disabled to mindfully cooperate with their intuition, conscience, powers and thus body own drugs.
This lack of the mindful cooperation is creating a constant struggle between these two hormones / body own drugs, the struggle how to handle the body own production of testosterone and oestrogen.
The only way to end this ‘war’ is to listen to your intuition/ your conscience again and embrace your powers with love again in order to refind our original behaviour: being mindful.

The difference between men and women is: women have a structural higher production of oestrogen.
Meaning their feeling power activity ( intuition/ conscience) is much stronger activated by this hormone and thus causing more struggles with the narrative of our education and school ideologies: the ( tolerated) abuse of our thinkingpower. 

Ignoring our conscience structurally is causing a structural feeling of unhappiness, stress, this is automatically causing a structural high level of the stress fighting hormone cortisol.

This on going cortisol production uses so much energy it weakens the psychological and physical condition and the immune system.
Ignoring our conscience, our awareness tool, structurally leads to more and more ruthlessness.
The fact the power abuser is not able to eliminate this conscience signal totally, can make the power abuser desperate.
That’s why a desperate power abuser is able to severely hurt himself, others and nature.

Why is Ignoring our conscience structurally leading to more and more ruthlessness.
Power abusers are, due to their traumatic experience, disconnected humans.
They are disconnected from their innate goodness, their conscience and their mindful natural use of all their powers. 
The traumatic experience has transferred their structural happiness feeling every child is born with, into a structural unhappiness feeling.
Lacking their structural happiness feeling and being unable to return to our natural behaviour, due to their traumatic experience they are searching for alternative happiness feelings.
Due to the fact our education and school ideologies promote thinking power abuse in order to reach stays and power, they are praised when they achieve these goals.
They experience, by being successful in reaching status and power, they receive compliments and that causes a short happiness feeling. This is the only kind of happiness feeling disconnected humans are able to experience. 
In order to receive more of these alternative happiness feelings they proceed by dominating themselves, others and nature, what ever it takes.
They are rewarded with a kick feeling caused by the satisfaction of reaching this success for themselves and by the positive attention they receive of others. 
The traumatic experience disabled them to find the structural happiness in themselves. 
They now are depending on finding their happiness outside themselves, they are depending on what others think of them. 
They live in the future and develop psychological fear.

Humans are able to dominate themselves others and nature, because of the fact they have been forced to dominate their own powers. 
They can only dominate disconnected humans who are also suffering from psychological fear, because humans who experience a structural happiness feeling you can not dominate. 
By dominating them and get away with it, they get a feeling of being superior, of being ‘ better ‘ more successful as the victim(s)
Domination is the only way power abusers can find ( short) happiness feelings, on their search to be able to refind their structural happiness feeling. 
These happiness feelings are very short feelings, called the kick feelings. 
Their body automatically produces body own drugs during the power abuse, during getting positive attention of others, in order to feel happy shortly.
Being structurally disconnected from their natural behaviour and thus their structural happiness feeling, the power abusers goal is to have as many kick feelings as possible.
Power abusers are addicted to their body own drugs. Like every addiction in order to get the kickfeeling again and again, it gets harder and harder. Meaning it is unavoidable that the abuse has to increase in order to reach this kick feeling.
The more ruthless they become, the more protest of the victim(s), the higher the kick will be when they manage to get away with their abuse.
Power abusers always look for other disconnected humans, for those with less power than they claim to have, in order to dominate them. If they get exposed they can become emotional not because of their crime, but because they have been acting so inferior that they are caught.
They least powerful are the most successful kickfeeling producers for them.
Being addicted to power abuse, having more and more problems with creating kick feelings, this can lead to combine the kick feeling of their domination with the kick feeling they experience when they rape another human and also have an orgasme. 
This raping kick feeling act concerns all humans/ victims : men, women and children. 
Apparently the body own drugs production of a power abuser can lead to a kind of trance feeling, making it possible to get sexually aroused too.
The most vulnerable humans to be raped by a power abuser, are women and children. 
They abuse them only to get another kickfeeling because they are there to serve the addiction of the abuser.
The rape can more easily take place because of the fact the power abuser has got power.
A severe power abuser is, by raping another human sexually, combining the kick feeling of the domination with the kick feeling of the orgasme. 
Apparently Child abuse / rape is purely based on power abuse.
Apparently the power abuser can also have a kick feeling by deciding over life and death of another human. 
Power abusers always think they are right and that’s why they think the are superior.
They think they are the ones to decide what is just and what is not.
Successful power abusers can may be THINK they are happy, but the do not FEEL happy. 
That’s why power abusers are NEVER SATISFIED.
Relief Power abusers from their addiction ( their power) and give them awareness therapy, in order to make it possible to return to their natural behaviour.


Our education and school ideologies force our children to abandon their natural behaviour. 
Adults, like parents, teachers doctors etc who had experienced the same traumatic experience in their lives and where unable to handle their ( childhood) traumatic experience mindfully, are transferring our mindful children into power abusers. 
Their own traumatic experience has been so strong that they became convinced they do the right thing for their child. 
Using psychological and physical violence of parents teachers doctors etc. is even tolerated.
How come? 

Our mindful children are, at very young age, told to become somebody, preferably a doctor, a lawyer etc. 
They are told they can not stay a child, they have to grow up, in order to become a strong and valuable adult. 
Our education and school ideologies are concentrated on using a child’s thinking power to achieve the goals, the parents ( and our society) want the child to achieve.
Therefore the child is forced into lineair systems, in which the child is only judged on its achievements reached by using its thinkingpower.
This linear system is dictating the child what to achieve in a certain period of time, regardless the interesses of the child. 
Regardless how the child feels, being forced into this system.
In order to be successful the mindful children are forced to abuse their thinkingpower to dominate isolate discriminate and demonise their feeling power with. 
Its feeling power is considered something for small children and called an obstruction in order to become successful, read powerful.
The young child wants to hold on to its natural use of its energies and feels disturbed, it gets anxious. 
However those who force the child to do so, are people the child has learned to trust, like parents, family members teachers, doctors etc. 
This pressure combined with the social pressure of other children, who have to do the same or already took this discussion, is too much for most children. 
The child concludes for itself: obviously I am not good enough the way I was born and takes this hurtful decision to start rejecting itself. 
Being forced to decide to reject yourself on such a young age is traumatising them.
Abandon the natural talent of the mindful cooperation of its feeling and thinkingpower, until than successfully guided by its intuition and conscience securing its natural happiness feeling, has severe consequences.

If you are not allowed to be yourself, if you are forced to decide, on such a young age,  to reject yourself the way you were born, you get traumatised.
Due to this decision the child looses its structural happiness feeling, weakening its immune system, because of loosing:
-The mindful cooperation between its powers and its intuition / conscience. 
The child looses its natural behaviour its mindfulness.
-The natural use of its powers, its thinkingpower and feeling power, in connection with each other mindfully 
-The capability to enjoy the strongest energy mindfully, by the time it emerges, the sexual energy and the energy of the orgasme.  
Being forced to dominate its feeling power thus also its sexual energy, the child is disabled to deal with this strong energy.
Enjoy the sexual energy mindfully is very rewarding and satisfying, this way it never gets boring.
By dominating the feeling power, thus the sexual energy, this very important and very strong energy will be degraded to a mechanical way of using it. This way the use or the sexual energy is likely to become boring, this being bored leads to unmindful behaviour.
-The natural use and growth of its brains, caused by the linear system, due to the disconnection with its feeling power. 
For the same reason it looses its creativity in finding solutions by connecting all the dots and its creativity in making designs, inventing things.

The now structurally unhappy child is told that growing up is not easy and that its new happiness is to be reached by achieving status and power. 
Because the child wants to achieve the goals parents teachers etc are expecting and it wants to feel happy again, the child develops psychological fear, it starts to live in the future. 
Thinking: once I become successful I wil feel happy again. 
The child suffers from this psychological fear causing a structural high stress level.  Because its body will fight this stress automatically, which costs a lot of its energies. 
This lost of energy is weakening its psychological and physical condition / performance and its immune system.
Stress is the main cause of illnesses.

The child is constantly told to ignore its conscience feelings, because these feelings are not useful when you want to reach power and status.
The child has no choice and starts to ignore its conscience. 
This crucial moment is the start of a inhumane race for the child, in order to achieve as much status and power in order to feel happy again. 
Because the child is forced to dominate its own powers, it will start to dominate others and nature as well. 
The more successful the child is in pushing away its awareness signals from its conscience, the more status and power the child hopes to achieve. 

Because the child is promised it can restore its happiness again by achieving these goals. 
Those disconnected humans with a great thinking power talent are likely to get the most power and status.

In our linear systems the child will only be judged, also in public, on the achievements of its thinking power.
Regardless the Childs abilities. 
If not successful enough, according to general standards and within a certain period of time, it starts feeling inferior, thus more and more unhappy.
Lacking its structural happiness feeling the child is desperately looking for alternative happiness feelings. 
This the disconnected child finds out, it can reach happiness by being successful with the achievements of its thinkingpower compared to others. It finds out that because of its succes the child receives attention of others. This attention is causing a short happiness feeling, called a kick feeling. 

Forcing our mindful children into our education and school ideologies, we have used force to learn the child the unnatural behaviour of discrimination / power abuse.
We learned the child that it’s Oke and it will  be useful in order to reach the new happiness goals.
In order to get more kickfeelings the child will do its utmost to be successful by using its thinkingpower.
What ever it takes, the child suffers of its unmindful behaviour.
Being learned by force to ignore all signals its body and mind, the child will hold on to its thinkingpower abuse. This way t the child is hoping to be able to return to its natural behaviour and become structurally happy again. 

Only individual awareness makes it possible to return to our natural behaviour,  the structural happiness feeling which is indelible archived in our feeling memory. This return to yourself the way you were born will also improve the psychological and physical health.

Those who are less successful in achieving succes with their thinkingpower are judged inferior. 
They develop a feeling of inferiority, they feel guilty and feel ashamed of themselves.
They get labelled and very often forced to undergo therapy and take medicine, in order to make them fit in into the system.
Being not successful enough very often causes severe psychological and physical violence of parents, but also if other disconnected humans.
Feeling inferior they are likely to get bullied by others, getting overruled by those who have succes, who have more power, physical and/or psychological power. 
Those who are labelled inferior are so desperate in need for attention, the accept to get bullied, only because of the fact they are able to get some attention. 
They look for any attention in order to feel better, to feel a little bit happy, even if this attention hurts.

Those who become the most successful in pushing away their conscience, can become more and more ruthless.
They become addicted to the kickfeelings their body produces by abusing their power. 
Like everything addiction it becomes harder to achieve these kickfeelings again and again. So it is unavoidable for them: their abuse has to increase.
These power abusers have become convinced they are doing the right thing. Our society rewards these power abusers with high positions.
Even tribunals dealing with power abusers take a lost of status because they have been exposed as a ground to lower the punishment. The opposite should be the case, because their status enables them to abuse others.
Power abusers always think that they are always right, that total obedience is required. They think that their victims are not smart enough to make the right decisions, so they have to do it for them.
That only they can save the world and humanity.
In order to realise their ‘ holy’  goal they need total control.
Power abuse is very destructive for the abuser, others and nature.

By Forcing our children to reject themselves the way they were born is teaching them power abuse. 
So our education and school ideologies raise power abusers.
No wonder, if we teach and promote power abuse we wind up in a situation we are in now.
Power abuse has become the narrative.

Power abusers never stop out of their own.
Relief power abusers from their addiction their power and give them awareness therapy.
Only individual awareness can make it possible for a power abuser to return to our natural behaviour: being mindful for ourselves and share that unconditionally with others and nature. 
Power abusers have the right of receiving awareness treatment in order to return to human kind natural behaviour.

Because we teach our mindful children to abuse their power, power abuse is all around and this abuse is dividing and disconnecting everyone. 
Power abusers are destroying themselves, others and nature.
Because of the fact a power abuser is abusing his own power, he identifies himself in other power abusers and instead of stopping it, he turns away or joins the abuse and thus tolerates this power abuse.
Some even admire the most successful power abusers. 

Why is this power abuse all around and how can we change this. 

The goal of all  humans is, connected or disconnected from themselves, they all want to feel as happy as possible. 
Every second of their life, they use all their energies in their own way to accomplish this goal.
We pursuit that happiness feeling, because we all know what experiencing a structural happiness feeling means. 
All children have experienced a structural happiness feeling. 
You can not look for something you have never experienced.
Our structural happiness feeling is indelible archived in our feeling memory, it can never be suppressed totally.
This is the origin of our conscience, inspired by our intuition which is based on being totally honest. 

All new borns experienced a STRUCTURAL happiness feeling, which is unerasable archived in their feeling memory.
Humans feel the happiest and are the healthiest when they can be themselves, the way they were born.
When they feel free to be themselves, they experience a feeling of total freedom and thrive the best.

———————————————12 juli

All new borns have a fundamental innate goodness. 
The new borns innate goodness/ mindfulness is healing, that why a new born has to be defined as being holy. 
Holy is another word for healing. 
The natural behaviour of all new  borns is:
being mindful for ourselves and share that unconditionally with others and nature.
All new borns are happy that they are born and love themselves they way the are born. 
They live in the present, free from guilt and shame feelings and psychological fear.
This mindful selflove makes them feel connected with themselves, others and nature.

All new borns inspire others to be mindful too and they share their mindfulness with them unconditionally.
Sharing mindfulness is also healing.
This natural behaviour, causing a structural happiness feeling, is based on our intuition and using all our powers, our feeling and thinkingpower, in connection with each other mindfully.
These abilities and conditions make it possible for all new borns to experience a structural happiness feeling, which is unerasable archived in their feeling memory.
This mindfulness experience is the basis of our conscience.
Our conscience is activated and will communicate by a feeling signal if honesty is honoured or neglected. 
Our conscience is the only universal non verbal language, because every human feels this the same way.
Every human recognises and acknowledges honesty.
Our conscience, as everybody experiences all their life, will react immediately if honesty is honoured or neglected.
That’s why life is not about finding the truth or being right or wrong, but about being honest. Because there as many truths as there are people and in order to find THE TRUTH, even in a courthouse, it seems that humans with power and status seem to have the best truth. 

Our natural behaviour makes that Human kind is perfectly equipped to live a sustainable life with ourselves, others and nature.


Every newborn is gifted with the greatest talent of all: it loves itself the way it is born and shares that selflove unconditionally with others and nature. 
All new borns have an inner goodness.
All new borns feel a strong connection with themselves, others and nature. 
All new borns live in the present, free from shame and guilt feelings, free from psychological fear.
All new borns use all their energies, their feeling power and thinkingpower, in connection with each other mindfully. 
This natural behaviour based on mindfulness makes them feel themselves, causing a structurally happiness feeling.
All new borns archive this structural happiness feeling in their feeling memory.
This structural happiness feeling is indelible archived in their feeling memory. 

All new borns inspire, they have a healing effect on others.  
All new borns deserve to be guided and treated mindfully in order to thrive.

This natural behaviour of man kind is the perfect life style to live a sustainable live with ourselves, others and nature.

Humans are part of nature, because they are inseparable connected with nature. 
Mindful humans feel connected with themselves and thats why they connect and bond easily with others, who choose to be mindful too.
Because mindful humans feel one with themselves, they also feel one with other mindful people and nature.

When mindful people also make body contact, they transfer their mindfulness energy more intensely.

Mindful humans recognise themselves in mindful others, by absorbing their energy and share their mindfulness, all get more positive energy. 

The more a mindful human recognise him /her selves in an other mindful human, the more happiness feelings emerge. 
This -identifying yourself in another person- can cause the feeling of falling in love. Meaning you are actually falling in love with yourself.
This nice ( trance)feeling, caused by the automatic production of body own drugs, is also urging both to hug and touch each other mindfully.
Touching each other, especially touching each other’s nude skin, will transfer each other feeling more intense and increase this nice trance feeling. 

Touching each other and if both humans want to, especially touching each other’s nude skin and each other’s erogene spots,  this will transfer each other feeling more intense and increase this nice trance feeling.
This mindful sharing of feelings activates the sexual energy at that moment and time, it’s there to enjoy. Just be in that trance feeling is already very rewarding. Enjoying this trance feeling also builds up a lot of sexual energy by absorbing each other’s sexual energy.
The ultimate of -feeling one with the other- is when two humans melt together by having sexual intercourse and reach their zenith, their orgasme. 
The orgasme is the strongest trance feeling our body own drugs can reach. 
The strongest orgasme can lead to a feeling of fainting. 


Being mindful is our natural behaviour all humans are born with. All children experience a structural happiness feeling.
Our structural happiness feeling is depending on being mindful for ourselves.

Psychological and physical violence is the only reason humans can loose their mindfulness. 
Not one human wants to give up their structural happiness feeling willingly.
That’s why loosing mindfulness always causes a trauma.
When humans are forced to give up their natural behaviour of using their thinkingpower and feeling power in connection with each other mindfully, they loose their ability to feel structurally happy and become structurally unhappy.

This decision of rejecting yourself, especially during the childhood, the way you were born, is disabling you at the same time to use all your energies in connection with each other mindfully.
This rejecting is a traumatic experience.
By rejecting itself the human looses its creativity. Brain use and growth is negatively effected . 
Because the Child tries to live up to the expectations of their parents, It starts living in the future and develops psychological fear. 
This is causing stress.  
Living in the future causes psychological fear, only humans who suffer from psychological fear can be manipulated.
The now structural unhappy child is experiencing a structural too high stress level. That activates the cortisol production automatically, in order to fight the stress. This fight consumes so much energy its immune system weakens. 
The child will get sick sooner and stay ill longer. 

Being judged instead of mindfully guided, the child also develops shame and guilt feeling.
When the Childs social emotional development is not mindfully guided, the child becomes blocked.
When the child is experiencing its possibilities and it only gets judged and punished if it crosses lines, the mindful social emotional development of the child has become negative for the child.
The child will be afraid of the consequences and might get introvert.

Our education and school ideologies force children to abuse their thinkingpower to discriminate isolate and demonise their feeling power. 
This is done by adults like parents teachers doctors etc humans the child has learned to trust. These adult who have had the same traumatic experience when they were young. 
As a result of their trauma they are convinced they are doing the right thing for their child. 
They use psychological and often also physical violence to force the child to start reject their feeling power. 
Their goal is to make the child fit into the lineair school system in order to fit into the society build on the same ideologies.

Our education and school system is based on this abuse of power, the feeling power is considered of no importance. 
The child is told it has to grow up in order to become successful, that’s why it has to learn to push away its feeling power. 
The child is told its feeling power will obstruct your way to become powerful. 
This way the child is made structurally unhappy and thus vulnerable for manipulation.
Than the child is being fooled by telling the child that it future happiness is to be found in the succes the child can reach in becoming powerful. 
As a result of being forced to push away their feeling power, they can become ruthless in order to reach their ‘ new’ happiness goal. 
Every time the child abusers its power the feeling power will emerge, this awareness signal is a signal to get aware of the power abuse. 
We call this feeling, based on being honest with yourself, our conscience. 
These ideologies will only judge the child on what is able to reach by using its thinkingpower. 

The only happiness feeling your thinking power can give you is a short happiness feeling ( a kick feeling) when you are successful and praised by other. 
Those who are the most successful in pushing away their feeling power, their conscience, are likely to become the most powerful. 

By the time the sexual energy emerges the child is no longer able to mindfully enjoy this strongest energy of all.
The Childs way of dealing with its strongest energy, its sexual energy, is also based on the dominating role of its thinking power instead of mindfully enjoy its sexual energy. 
This way our very important and rewarding sexual energy is degraded to a mechanical act, driven by instinct.
This way of dominating your own feeling power, excludes this very important feeling power in relationships as well. 
Meaning relationships are based on domination, not on the mindful cooperation between all powers and share that.
Potential partners are getting connected which each other, based on what they recognise in each other’s thinkingpower skills and achievements.
This way of identifying yourself with the other human is also able to release nice feelings, but only admitted under the strict control of the thinkingpower. 
Disconnected humans are able to shut down and activate their feeling power on their command. Like a light switch on and off. 
The fact is the feeling power can never be totally dominated by the thinking power. 
So this results in a ever lasting struggle with the dominated feeling power for both partners, they have to deal with this struggle all the time. This causes stress. 
This kind of relationship is relying on the fact the partner is made responsible for happiness feelings, not the individual person in the relationship.
Because of the fact you can not think nor feel for another person, as a power abuser thinks he is able to, this presumption leads to a lot of misunderstanding. 
The happiness feelings you can reach without being connected with your feeling power is one of thinking you are happy but you do not FEEL happy. 
A relationship of disconnected humans is likely to become boring quickly, unless both partners become aware and return to their natural behaviour, embrace their feeling power with love again. 

Because mindful humans experience a structural happiness feeling, they live in the present free from guilt and shame feelings, free from psychological fear.
They do not join the manipulation of power abusers and protect actively those who are to become victim of power abuse. 

Nature is providing us for free what we need to live a sustainable life and thrive mindfully:
food and fresh water to drink
space to live
land to grow food 
shelter ( materials). 

There is enough for everyone even if the world population doubles, but we can never satisfy the greedy ones, the power abusers, of cause.


Power abusers are benefiting when they divide people, by treating them unequal.
Power abusers have lost their natural behaviour, their mindfulness. 
Because no one gives up the structurally happiness feeling willingly, loosing it is always a result of being forced. 
Loosing this mindful behaviour, means getting disconnected from themselves, others and nature. It also  means loosing conscience. 
Power abusers are not only manipulating themselves by abusing their own power, they also manipulate others and nature in the same way.
They live in the future, that’s why they develop psychological fear.
By loosing our natural behaviour the power abuser has become able to act ruthless.

All new borns are good the way they are born. 
They are happy that they are born the way they are born and they love themselves for who they are.
All new borns already have the greatest talent of all, they are mindful for themselves and share that unconditionally with others and nature. 
They live in the present, free from shame and guild feelings and psychological fear.
The natural behaviour of all new borns is: they use all their energies, their feeling power and thinkingpower, in connection with each other mindfully.
That’s why all new borns feel mindfully connected with themselves, others and nature. 
All new borns experience a structural happiness feeling, which is indelible archived in their feeling memory.
This structural happiness feeling is based on honesty and that honesty feeling is the origin of our conscience. 
All new borns are perfectly equipped to live a sustainable live with themselves, others and nature. 

This indicates that abusers are not born abusing their power. 
Our school and education ideologies have caused this power abuse, by forcing them to reject their natural way of using all energies in connection with each other mindfully. They have been successfully trained in dominating their feeling power by their thinkingpower.
This abuse of ( personal) power causes a neglecting of their feeling power, including their conscience signals. 
Not being permitted to be and stay who you are, being told you are not good enough the way you were born, you have to grow up and become some one is causing guild and shame feelings and psychological fear. 
We force our mindful children to become power abusers by forcing them to push away their thinkingpower signal, which automatically emerges during power abuse, we call this awareness signal our conscience.
This way we learned that power abuse is accepted as a lifestyle to achieve goals. 
Power abusers think that everyone abuses power, they identify themselves with colleagues abusers and do not interfere when they themselves or others abuse their power.
Power abusers claim to have the monopoly on the truth and they abuse their power to let their truth prevail. 
We witness that the truth of those with power and status often prevails. Mindfulness is not about the truth, not about being right or wrong, but about being honest, and everybody including a power abuser feels if honesty is neglected.
Ignoring honesty causes : ‘painful silence’.
Every time power is abused the feeling power comes up and give you a signal to stop abusing your power and embrace your feeling power with love again. 
This we call our conscience. 
Every time the power abusers has to choose, do I push away my feeling power or do I use this signal to get aware of the power abuse. 
Power abusers are addicted people they are addicted to the body own drugs their body produces during their power abuse. 
Relief them from power ( their addiction source) And give him awareness therapy. 
Only the individual awareness is the road back to our natural behaviour.

This charter is created to raise awareness about the way humans manifest themselves.
It is about what humans need to be able to continue living a sustainable life together with others and nature.

Concerning mindful care:
Honouring human rights.
Honouring and sharing mindfulness.
Honouring flora and fauna.
Honouring medicine provided by nature, free from side effects
Honouring products nature provides us to create shelter.
Honouring the sun shining trough a clean sky to bring us warmth, 
to enable our body’s to produce our body own medicine
To enable plants and trees to grow, 
Our waters to absorb heat and reflect sun rays, to realise our climates. 
Nature is adsorbing co2 and providing us oxygen.
Honouring animals wel fare we utilise for our benefit.

Concerning our healthy environment . 
Honouring our mindful children, 
honouring the sources of the oxygen we breath, 
Honouring  clean fresh water we drink, 
Honouring the soil we raise our food on to produce healthy nutritious food
Honouring animal life making nature thrive 

This initiative is about analysing our natural behaviour and the reason why our natural behaviour changes into unnatural behaviour, like abusing our power. 
Power is to be used for well-being all other use is power abuse.
It is about the greatest talent of all, our new borns are born with: 
being mindful for ourselves and share that unconditionally with others and nature.
Mindfulness is our natural behaviour, it inspires and heals.
Humans are part of nature they, if we respect ourselves and nature there is enough for everyone, but we will  ever succes in satisfying the greedy people. 
can not do without, nature wil survive without humans.

Every child is good the way it is born and has a right to be itself and stay itself.
Every human has the duty to guide and treat children mindfully. 
Every human has the right to be treated equally.
Every human has the duty to stand up against power abuse, because it always leads to inequality, thus unmindful behaviour.


Because mindfulness is our natural behaviour, all humans have the opportunity and possibility to live a sustainable life with ourselves, others and nature. 
All starts with the individual,  only if the individual is mindful for him / her self, mindfulness can be shared. 
So if a persoon is made a power abuser over its own powers, only than this person can abuse power towards others and nature. 

In order to protect this fulfilling sustainable life style, history learned us, it is absolutely necessary for every individual to protect all rights we have, we call those rights our human rights.


All these human rights are based on the innate goodness of man kind on our mindful behaviour. 
Nobody can take away our human rights. Human rights are not negotiable.
The human rights declaration is also signed by most of the countries.
Our representatives signed in our behalf in order to defend human rights and prevent power abuse.
This treaty declares that the human rights are above all others laws.
That’s why they can not be taken away, nor neglected.
After WW 2 the Neurenberg trials indicated once more, based on the medical experiments the nazis committed on humans:
‘humans can not be used as an object to protect others’. 
The human rights also declare that power is only to be used for well being, all other use equals power abuse.


Power abuse is unnatural behaviour forced upon humans. 
Power abusers are disconnected people, they are forced to become disconnected from their feeling power. 
Our education ideology force our mindful children to discriminate isolate and demonise their feeling power. 
Unable to resist this pressure, executed by people the child has learned to trust like parents teachers doctors etc. who suffer from the same traumatising experience, the child  decide to reject it selves the way it was born.
Being forced to make this decision on such a young age is traumatising the child.
They loose the connection to itself thus to others and nature. 
This makes the child structurally unhappy. Being disconnected from their feeling power, they can no longer use all their energies in connection with each other mindfully and this disabled them to refind their inner balance, their structural happiness feeling. 
In order to fulfil the conditions they child is forced into, the child starts to live in the future and develops psychological fear. 
The now structural unhappy child is made vulnerable for manipulation, because of its psychological fear. 
The child suffers from constant stress feelings, which their body automatically is trying to eliminate. This fight against stress costs a lot of energy and weakens the child immune system.
The child will be quicker ill and stay longer ill. 
We than fool our now unhappy children, by telling them that they have to become  ‘someone’, preferably a lawyer or doctor. 
We fool our children to make them believe that their new happiness depends on the level of status and power they can reach by ( ab) using their thinkingpower. 


That’s why power abusers can become ruthless, they suppress their conscience by suppressing  their feeling power. 
Power abusers are addicted humans, they are addicted to their body own drugs their body produces during their abuse of power.
Power abuse  always leads to inequality, that’s way it is declared punishable. 
Power abuse may not be neglected, it has to be addressed immediately. 
Power abusers need to be relieved from their power/ addiction and given awareness therapy.
Only if the power abuser embraces his/ her feeling power with love again our structural happiness feeling can return.


Being mindful for ourselves others and nature is our natural behaviour every child is born with. 
Every child is happy that it is born the way it is.
Every child experience a structural happiness feeling, increased by its mother falling automatically in love with her child by giving birth. ( men can experience the same feelings) 
This way nature provides the child a mindful treaty and guidance.
It totally depends on the connection between its feeling power and that of it’s mother, combined with body language and noises it makes.
These mindful experiences are un - erasable archived in its feeling memory.

If the mother looses her mindfulness, shortly or structurally, the child is no longer able to communicate. The child gets very insecure and becomes anxiety feelings.
By the time it expres itself verbally it will talk the way it has been talked to. 
It wil manifest itself the way others has been manifesting themselves towards the child. 


The only way to experience a structural happiness feeling is by using all your energies in connection with each other mindfully. 
Every new born has that greatest talent of all. Every child is happy the way it is born. It lives in the present and shared its mindfulness unconditionally with others and nature.
Happy children stay the healthiest, they develop the best, they inspire and are healing others.

Not one child gives up its natural behaviour, it’s source of its happiness feeling, out of its free will.
If the child is forced to abuse its thinking power to discriminate isolate and demonise its feeling power, we disable the child. 
Being forced to reject itself the way it is born, on such a young age, is traumatising it. 
The child becomes structurally unhappy because it is no longer able to use its energies in connection with each other mindfully.  
Only Unhappy people are vulnerable for manipulation are they are quicker and longer sick as a result of the stress they experience. Fighting this stress costs a lot of energy which destabilise the immune system.